Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Chinese New Year

Haven't wrote for so long... I would be pleasantly surprised if anybody was stilll reading this....

CNY is coming again... the recent trend in Singapore, it seems that people put less emphasis on CNY nowadays, especially the younger generation. As I was reading Sumiko Tan's column on the papers, it's because people don't know what to say or what to do to sustain a long conversation with the relatives. Then I was talkin to Domi, he thinks as families get smaller and the increase in the number of nuclear families, friends actually play a more important part in young peoples' lives nowadays compared to the extended family. So we should make use of CNY to be visiting and catching up with friends as well. Especially if the grandparents have already passed away, the reason of the extended family to get together just gets weaker.

I am thoroughly enjoying this final semester in school. The last year for me seem like a dream, grades on a free fall, problems with people. Now I think I just wanna enjoy my last sem in school, grades take a back seat now, and I just want to end this phase of life peacefully, with no major ups or downs. Even as the pressure to secure a job rises, where the Econs honours people are scrambling to secure interviews with this bank and that bank, I think I would just take my time.

"Ignore the competition, take your time and find a job that you would not hate." Words from a wise friend....
Even though I want to work in the financial sector, I can't determine if I am there because of the money... the glamour? Or simply because everybody wants to be there... Or am I sincerely interested?

"Grades are not everything in this world, to succeed, PR and the willingness to learn are most critical." Words coming from my Ecnonomics professor. A wise man who says things like "This stupid term" and "Mathematics Suck", a rogue professor in every way.


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